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How to Stay Positive during Uncertainty

Feeling stressed lately? Not sure what the future holds? Figuring out ways to stay productive at home? If the answer is yes to all of these, you are not alone. I have had my share of contemplation on all of these questions. From it, I have drawn some tips that I have found successful in keeping a positive outlook. This post is designed to help you find focus during uncertainty, and be able to find light in a world that has been so dark. I hope from this you can find ways to use it in your own life, however that may be. Simply know that keeping a positive mindset is an important factor in your health and happiness, and will worry tensions of what's happening outside of you.

Tip #1: Keep yourself active!

I have found that keeping myself productive and moving throughout the day has been one of the GREATEST things in staying positive. Now I don't mean you have to run a marathon or exercising all day because I am not that kind of person (Whoever does, major kudos to you). Staying active can range from a variety of things! Try taking on a new project, or reconnecting with one that you haven't have time for. Go on a walk with your dog around the neighborhood, or try baking a sweet desert. Keep your mind productive so your mind doesn't have time for anything else, but the moment you are in.

Tip #2: Connect with Family and Friends (Virtually)

This tip is one that I use every day. It is so important to continue to communicate and have a social life even with our crazy life right now. Facetime a friend, or call a relative! These are all healthy ways we can continue to fulfill this needed aspect in our lives, and increase our mood in the process! Even if times are hard, we can still find some joy in our day by communication. Even if it is only for 5 minutes, set that time aside because trust me, it makes your day a whole lot happier!

Tip #3: Limit the amount of social media and news.

The news can bring us information that is important, but can also increase our tensions and worry. Only listen to trusted resources, and limit what you take in. I have found that not listening to the news or hopping on twitter has increased my happiness over these past days. Relax and unwind, and only take in information that won't interfere with your happiness and only create additional worry.

Tip #4: Make time for yourself!

Give yourself added time to do things, and limit judgement. Know that making time for your self is just as important as having a schedule and getting things done. Develop a healthy night routine without electronics. Light a candle, sit back with a hobby, and unwind. My favorite thing to before bed is read a book or listen to some music. Setting aside time to breathe is an important step in making the next day more relaxed and happier.

As concerning as these times are, having these extra moments with myself has been extremely valuable. I have learned to be easier on myself, and come back to my passion of learning and creating. Posting this blog post and working on new ideas and projects (stay updated, they will be here shortly!) has been very exciting.

Want to find ways to help in your community while also finding something productive? Come back tomorrow for instructions on how to make your own face masks as well as throughout the week for some self care downloads and more tips.

I hope this helps you find peace and light. Know that whatever you may going through, you got it in control. As long as we all look each day with a fresh outlook on life, and practice having a positive mindset, we will be able to conquer whatever challenges the days will bring.

Stay well,

Ava Armbruster

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